In Brisbane, Australia, David and his family enjoyed a fun afternoon with friends in an open area. Their 2-year-old son, Alexander, was supposed to play with Leala, the family’s 9-year-old Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Amidst the laughter and conversation, no one noticed when the youngster vanished from sight.
Leala, however, did notice. She began to tug at David, trying to get his attention. At first, David didn’t think anything was wrong, assuming Leala was playful. But the dog’s persistence suggested something more urgent. Realizing this, David followed Leala, hoping it wasn’t too late to find out what she was trying to communicate.
Image/Story Source Credit: Lisa Brockbank via GodVine
When David noticed that Leala was drenched and barking frantically at him, he began to worry. The dog’s behavior was increasingly erratic, so David decided to follow her. Leala led him to the nearest dam, and it was only then that David realized his son Alexander was missing.
David’s heart shattered when he saw his son’s lifeless body floating face down in the water. Alexander had apparently drowned, and it was clear that Leala had tried to save him. Acting quickly, David and his friends performed CPR on the boy for several agonizing minutes. Miraculously, their efforts paid off, and Alexander started breathing again. Thanks to Leala’s alertness and the quick actions of those present, Alexander was given a second chance at life.
Image/Story Source Credit: Lisa Brockbank via GodVine
Alexander was placed in a coma at the hospital for two days. His vital signs were stable, but he had suffered significant brain damage. The doctors grew increasingly concerned and prepared his parents for the worst—that Alexander might die or be severely disabled.
After 48 anxious hours in a comatose state, Alexander miraculously awoke. As his treatment proceeded over the next few months, the medical professionals were astounded by the final outcomes. Against all odds, Alexander not only survived but also fully recovered. His remarkable journey from near tragedy to complete recovery left everyone, including his grateful family and the dedicated medical staff, in awe of his resilience and strength.
Image/Story Source Credit: Lisa Brockbank via GodVine
The doctors credit Alexander’s survival to the timely CPR, but David is certain it was all down to his loyal dog. The outcome would have been deadly if the vigilant angel hadn’t alerted him on time. Leala is a real-blue hero and we adore her!